FR: Add a description field to the "Workspace data" tab Completed
It would be great if the "Workspace data" tab could have a free-form text description field associated with the key-value pairs. Some of the k-v pairs can be pretty opaque, and a description would be very helpful.
Thank you for implementing this feature, John! Terra users can now add descriptions to their Workspace Data key-value pairs.
Ooh this is a great idea, seconded
Hi John Bates,
Thank you for writing in! I've sent this request to our development team for consideration, and I'll be happy to follow up with you if this feature gets built.
I implemented this feature myself. It has been submitted to the terra-ui GitHub repo.
JIRA Ticket
GitHub PR
Is there a way to add data to the Description field via a TSV upload? [This page]( does not mention it, and adding a third row to the TSV file results in an error.
Hi Stephanie Gogarten,
Thanks for your question! We will look into this and get back to you as soon as we can!
Kind Regards,
Hi Stephanie Gogarten,
It is possible to add data to the Description field via a TSV upload. Our recommendation is to use the Terra UI to create/edit a couple Workspace Data keys/values/descriptions, then download that as a TSV. This will give you an example of what the TSV should look like.
Hope that is helpful, let us know if you have any further questions!
Kind Regards,
Thanks, I was able to do that and see that it's possible. However, the format makes no sense and is not user-friendly at all. The fields are sorted into a completely random order, and the second row of the table is a mix of values and descriptions:
A feature request is to enable uploading of a TSV that is in the same tabular format as the final display format of the data (3 columns with header "key | value | description"); this would be vastly easier and more intuitive for users.
Hi Stephanie Gogarten,
Yes, the syntax is pretty awkward. Thank you for your suggestion, I will send this feature request to our development team for consideration, and I'll be happy to follow up with you if this feature gets built!
Kind Regards,
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