Benjamin Doran
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Latest activity by Benjamin Doran
Benjamin Doran commented,
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Benjamin Doran commented,
That sounds great! Our lab has been looking for a way, as papers are published and projects finish, to freeze workspaces. We need to keep all the scripts and data, so we don't want them deleted. It...
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Benjamin Doran commented,
What is the "lock" feature. ( I came directly to terra, not through firecloud ). One feature our group would love is to set a workspace to read only and auto-coldstore all files in the workspace bu...
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Benjamin Doran commented,
Completely agree with this. Current setup is really unforgiving to mistakes in choosing authorization domains. And it is very unclear to users what authorization domains actually are, when they are...
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Benjamin Doran commented,
Not sure if this is the reason Elena wants multiple run times. But for me a big use case, and part of our reason for moving into the cloud is that our analyses can take a long time to run. It is re...
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Benjamin Doran commented,
Tested and confirmed! hdf5r is able to be installed in resulting cluster. It would still be useful to not need the startup script, but this should work for now.
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Benjamin Doran commented,
Seems like h5py might work because it is already precompiled. Main issue is that I am trying to get this data into Seurat which needs the hdf5r package to work... I have tried using a startup scri...
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Benjamin Doran commented,
This seems to work for installing hdf5 from a notebook %%bashmkdir -p ~/.hdf5cd ~/.hdf5gsutil cp gs://fc-fc0d5126-8840-4d53-801e-71f6c3ca07d6/hdf5-1.10.5.tar.gz .tar -xzvf hdf5-1.10.5.tar.gzcd hdf5...
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Benjamin Doran created a post,
hdf5 in notebook cluster
Is there a way to get HDF5 installed on the notebook clusters without using sudo? It would be really great to not need a startup script. I need it for reading loom/h5ad files for single cell analys...
- Benjamin Doran
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Benjamin Doran commented,
This was a sample-set of which this is one sample that has a scatter workflow of 17 shards
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