Overview: The Execution directory

Allie Cliffe
  • Updated

The Execution directory includes a wealth of task-level details on the API side of things. Found on Google Cloud console, it is where you can view or download stderr, stdout, and backend logs for each task within the workflow. 

What's in the execution directory?

The execution directory includes standard error, standard output, and error log files that are useful for some troubleshooting as well as developing workflows. If your task generates outputs, this is where you will find them.

Troubleshooting with the execution directoryOnce you have identified which task failed (from the Job Manager or Workflows Dashboard), you can click on the folder for the failed task to see why. 

There is a separate file for each task within the workflow. 


Access stderr, stdout, and backend logs

You can open those files to view their contents or download them. Troubleshooting_Execution-directory_Screen_shot.png

1. taskname.log

A log file tracking events that occurred in performing the task such as downloading docker, localizing files, etc. Occasionally a workflow will fail without a stderr and stdout files, leaving you with only a task log.

2. stderr and stdout

Standard Error (stderr)
A file containing error messages produced by the commands executed in the task. A good place to start for a failed task, as many common task level errors are indicated in the stderr file.

Standard Output (stdout)
A file containing log outputs generated by commands in the task. Not all commands generate log outputs and so this file may be empty.

In cases where there isn’t a stdout or stderr file, use the task log and the message explanations in this document to help you solve the problem. Of course, if you are having any trouble with Terra troubleshooting, you can ask your question on the Terra forum.

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