Service Incident - August 14, 2023 (Custom Cloud Environments)

Josh Evans
  • Updated


We've identified an issue that impacts some users of Custom Cloud Environments.

See the Timeline section for the latest troubleshooting and resolution updates and the Impact section to understand how this could impact your use of the system. 


August 18, 2023 2:30 PM - Issue Remediated - Our engineers have released a fix for the issue and confirmed that custom docker images should now create successfully.

Users with custom images should increase their timeout values to the maximum 30 min and retry.

August 14, 2023 5:03 PM - Incident Declared - The determination was made that this issue could affect more users, so a service incident was declared. Our engineering teams are still investigating the issue.

August 14, 2023 12:40 PM - Issue Escalated - Upon troubleshooting other reports, Terra Support escalated the issue to engineers.

August 8, 2023 12:18 PM - Issue Reported - First user report of issue provided to Terra Support


Some users who are using Custom Docker Images with our Cloud Environments have been getting a Jupyter, Welder failed to start after 10 minutes error when trying to start environments. This has also impacted users of custom RStudio images.  image (24).png

While we are still working to restore functionality to affected Cloud Environments.  Our current workaround is to delete the affected Cloud Environment, and create a new one using one of our images and a Startup Script to install needed software. 

For more information

Please follow this article to get the most up to date information on this incident. If you would like to be notified of all service incidents or upcoming scheduled maintenance, click Follow on this page

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