We have identified an issue causing some users to receive a permissions error when attempting to start a cloud environment. There is a bug where users are seeing cloud environments in their workspace that they don't actually own, resulting in the following error when trying to start them:
"User Email" is unauthorized. If you have proper permissions to use the workspace, make sure you are also added to the billing account
January 5, 2023 10:44 AM ET - Issue Resolved - Terra engineers resolved the issue which appeared to be caused by the latest Terra release.
January 5, 2023 9:42 AM ET - Issue Escalated - Several other users began experiencing the same permissions error. The issue was escalated and is being investigated by our engineers.
January 4, 2023 8:12 PM ET - Issue identified - A user first wrote in experiencing the above permissions error when attempting to start a cloud environment in a workspace they own.
Users may see error messages like
"User Email" is unauthorized. If you have proper permissions to use the workspace, make sure you are also added to the billing account
when attempting to restart a cloud environment in a workspace they own. This is because the cloud environment showing in the UI is actually owned by a different user, resulting in a permissions error.
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