- Understanding data in the Cloud
- Terra architecture: where your data and tools live
- Managing data with tables
- Upload data and populate the table with linked file paths
- Broad Public Reference Data
- Customizing where your data are stored and analyzed
- Working with non-US data in Terra
- How to convert common genomics file formats
- How to view IGV tracks of BAM and VCF files
Moving/copying data in the cloud
Step-by-step instructions for transferring data between local storage and your Terra workspace (Google Bucket or laptop in the Cloud persistent disk).
Using consortia datasets in Terra
How to find, manage, and manipulate data stored in different locations in the cloud in your Terra workspace.
Organizing data with tables
How to keep track of data - including any files with a cloud ID (i.e. URI) - using spreadsheet-like tables built into the data page of your workspace.
Data Submitters Resources
Information for those storing data on Terra for use by the broader community.