Sarah Walker
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Latest activity by Sarah Walker
Sarah Walker commented,
Hi Jason, I am also seeing this issue about call caching isn't working -- in particular, my few jobs that ran in the last 24 hours are not call caching, and are rerunning from scratch.. Thanks, Sarah
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Sarah Walker created a post,
Jobs say they're running but they do not appear to be
My job was queued for 1 hour today, and then has been in a running state for over 3.5 hours ever since. However, the google bucket is completely empty, so it appears that my tasks -- which Terra te...
- Sarah Walker
- 2 votes
Sarah Walker commented,
Well the same job was queued forever and then it entered this fake running state so I naively assumed they were related but I will make the new support ticket.
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Sarah Walker commented,
Thanks for that update, but what about my job that says it's running but the directory is completely empty and it's not actually running ?
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Sarah Walker commented,
Hi, My jobs were also queued for over an hour... but now the status says that they've been "running" for almost 2 hours, but I cannot see the log files or anything, and don't actually think they're...
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Sarah Walker commented,
I also have this problem, and have been waiting 3 hours for my job to run. Workspace: broadtagteam/TAG_735_CompareArrayWGSSites Id: 6fd328de-3aab-4a3d-b2f3-5da0ee3514ab
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