dont open new tab from main terra page Completed

Post author
Brian Haas

When clicking on 'try terra' link from the main splash page, it opens up a new browser tab.  After doing this hundreds of times, it gets pretty annoying and it doesn't seem to serve a purpose other than to leave the original splash page open in a browser tab.



  • Comment author
    Geraldine Van der Auwera

    Hi Brian, thanks for reporting this! We're actually working on some updates to the pages right now, so I'll make sure we address this issue. It will be a few more weeks before you see the changes, but I'm hopeful that you will find the updated version less annoying at the very least :) 

  • Comment author
    Brian Haas

    awesomesauce!! :-)

  • Comment author
    Geraldine Van der Auwera

    Hi Brian, just wanted to close the loop on this. We did release our updates to the website, and as you may have noticed, the "Log In" button (which replaced "Try Terra") still opens the app in a new browser tab. We debated this behavior at length, particularly in light of your request, yet ultimately decided to keep the current behavior because our user experience team told us that is the standard expected behavior in this kind of context, though evidently not everybody agrees (I for one am on your side in preferring the "same tab" behavior, which is why I committed too hastily to changing it and am now in the awkward position of backpedalling on it). I can only recommend that you bookmark the URL as your primary access point instead of the splash page. 


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