GPUs for Notebook Runtime Environments Completed

I am interested in using a tool (scVI - ) that runs much faster on GPUs but at the moment only CPUs can be requested as Notebook Runtime Environments.
It would be great to be allowed to request GPUs as Notebook Runtime Environments.



  • Comment author
    Jason Cerrato
    • Edited
    • Official comment

    Hi all,

    I'm pleased to announce that GPUs are now available for cloud environments in Terra! Please see our article How to add GPUs to a Cloud Environment for more details.

    Thank you all for voicing your support of this feature!

    Kind regards,


  • Comment author

    This would be awesome for any deep learning analyses, good idea!

  • Comment author

    Hi Terra team, Can we please get some input on whether GPU support can be added? Several of us think this is an important addition. Thank you!

  • Comment author
    Jason Cerrato

    Hi orr et. al.,

    Thank you for checking in on this. Our notebooks engineering team has done an investigation of the time and effort required for implementation and have concluded that the requirements are high on both fronts. As such, the team will be unable to implement this feature this quarter due to the size of the team and prior commitments that they need to implement first. That said, the team is aware that this is one of the highest requested features for the platform and are actively working on crafting a plan to deliver as soon as they are able. The goal is to implement before end of year.

    As always, I am happy to update everyone on the progress of work as I hear more from the team!

    Kind regards,


  • Comment author
    Matt Elliott

    Hi Jason, thanks for the update! Terra has been very helpful to my team and we are also excited about GPU/TPU computation. Will this feature be included in the near future?

    You may want to advise the web team to edit their why-cloud page. There are claims that Terra supports not just GPU/TPUs but even FPGAs!

  • Comment author
    Jason Cerrato

    Hey Matt Elliott,

    We're glad to hear you're excited about it! We're excited to bring it to Terra. Our engineers expect to start work on GPUs for cloud environments in Q2 this year.

    Thank you for pointing out the why-cloud page. This page is intended to explain the benefits of working in the cloud generally, but we can definitely see how this can be confused as describing Terra's features. I've alerted a member of our team to this confusion so that the wording can be re-done for clarity. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention!

    Note that GPUs are indeed already available for Terra-submitted workflows. When GPUs are ready to go on the cloud environment side, I'll be happy to update this thread.

    Kind regards,


  • Comment author

    hi Jason, that's awesome news! thanks for the update- Orr

  • Comment author
    Matt Elliott

    Hi Jason, Thanks for the quick feedback and timeline! We're excited that this functionality is being worked on. 


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