PAPI Connection error 500 Internal Server Error
Today I've been getting a handful of errors of tasks failing due to a 500 Internal Server Error.
The message is:
message: Unable to complete PAPI request due to system or connection error (500 Internal Server Error { "code" : 500, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "message" : "Unknown Error.", "reason" : "backendError" } ], "message" : "Unknown Error.", "status" : "UNKNOWN" })
caused by:
message: 500 Internal Server Error { "code" : 500, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "message" : "Unknown Error.", "reason" : "backendError" } ], "message" : "Unknown Error.", "status" : "UNKNOWN" }
I think rerunning should work, but hadn't seen anything about this error.
Hi Brian,
It looks as though other users are having the same error - the team is taking a look and I can get back to you with an update!
A google issue was filed for this - I will update as I get more information.
This issue should now be fixed - please let us know if you continue to experience the same error.
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