How to add a new tool? Completed




  Somehow, I can't seem to find how to add a new tool. Any help? Thanks!


     Best, Oliver



  • Comment author
    Denis Loginov

    I think you still have to do it through Methods repo in FireCloud :/ They're still working on brining it to Terra..

  • Comment author
    Denis Loginov
    • Edited

    Here's a bit more info: (look at the section on Methods)

  • Comment author
    Sushma Chaluvadi

    Hi Oliver!

    You can add a new tool from the Terra UI, which will re-direct you to FireCloud Methods Repository (or Dockstore) where you can choose the Tool you want to add to your Terra workspace. 

    Below are some screenshots to show the steps:

    First, navigate to the hamburger menu and select "Code and Tools"

    Then you should be able to see "Firecloud Methods Repository" on the right hand side of the page:

    This should re-direct you to Firecloud Methods Repository which is currently the functionality used by Terra. From here you can search for the Tool you want.

    Once you click into the Tool, you can "Export to Workspace" in the top right hand corner.

    You can select your options on which configuration you want to use:

    And then you can "Export to Workspace" by providing the workspace you want. Once you click "Export to Workspace", you will be re-directed BACK to the Terra workspace with your new Tool added to the Tools tab:


    In the even that you wish to upload your own Tool that does not exist in the Method Repository -

    You can "Create New Method" in the Method Repository 

    Fill in the WDL (either copy + paste or Load from File) and fill in all the pertinent details and hit "Upload"

    Once this new Tool has been uploaded to the Method Repository in Firecloud, you can follow the directions above to Export this Tool to the Terra workspace of your choice! Please note that in order for all the re-directs to work properly, you must click into the Firecloud repository from the Code and Tools page from the Terra hamburger menu.


    Please let us know if you have any other questions! 


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