Cost management related to VM/GCS regions

Post author
Sehyun Oh

Hi, I have a few questions related to cloud configuration in Terra.

1. Does the default bucket location changes depending on where the user is?

2. When you clone a workspace, you are bound to the original workspace's cloud location?

3. Can I stop a running VM in Terra? (pay only the disk, but not CPU and memory while the workspace exists)

4. All the consortium and reference datasets provided through Terra are stored in multi-region, a.k.a., no cost to use them?


- Sehyun




  • Comment author
    Josh Evans

    Hi Sehyun,

    Thanks for writing in! Please allow me to answer most of your questions:

    1. The location where the user is creating the workspace doesn't affect the default bucket location.  The default location for all Terra workspaces on GCP is us-central1. This can, however, be changed when the workspace is created.
    2. You are not bound to the original's location, and can change it on creation. 
    3. If you pause the Cloud Environment, you will still be charged a fee. It is much smaller than when the Cloud Environment is running.  You also can delete the Cloud Environment and only be changed for the storage of the Persistent Disk.
    4. I'm not sure how to answer this question. Could you go into a little more detail about you're asking? Are you asking if reference data on Terra is free of charge? 

    Please let me know if you have any questions.



  • Comment author
    Sehyun Oh

    Thanks for the quick answer Josh. Here is a clarification/follow-up questions:

    - If my VM is located in 'us-central1 (Iowa)' and input dataset (e.g., Terra-hosted datasets) for my workflow is stored in multi-regional, will there be a cost access/using theses input datasets?

    - How about the opposite situation, where my VM is multi-regional and the input data is in 'us-central1 (Iowa)'?

  • Comment author
    Josh Evans

    Hi Sehyun,

    Thanks for getting back to me! Please allow me to answer your questions:

    1. Most buckets on Terra are not multi-region, but if your VM were to pull data from a multi-region bucket or a bucket that was outside of the us-central1 region, then the Google Billing Account that's connect to the bucket you're getting the data from would be charged. The billing account of your workspace would only be changed if it was the same one used for the data location or the data bucket had Requester Pays turned on.
    2. If the project your VM is in was multi-regional, then it would be possible for you to be charged a data egress fee when importing the data.  

    Please let me know if that information was helpful or if you have any other questions.



  • Comment author
    Sehyun Oh

    One more question: all the consortium data on Terra (under 'Library > Datasets') are stored on the 'us-multi-region'? 

  • Comment author
    Josh Evans

    Hi Sehyun,

    Thanks for the reply! It does look like most of those workspaces are still using multi-region workspaces.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.




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