How to transfer data between local storage and your Cloud Environment Persistent Disk

Allie Hajian
  • Updated

Learn how to move files from local storage to your workspace Cloud Environment storage (or from the Cloud Environment to local storage). To learn more about the Terra data infrastructure, see Terra architecture and where your data files live.

Overview: Cloud Environment "Persistent Disk" storage

The Cloud Environment is the virtual system (compute and storage) that runs an interactive analysis on Terra (i.e., Galaxy, Jupyter Notebooks, or RStudio). The Persistent Disk (PD) is storage mounted to the Cloud Environment virtual machine (VM) that can be detached and attached to another VM. It is similar to USB storage on a personal computer. The PD exists in the cloud, but for security reasons is isolated from the rest of the cloud: no inbound communication is possible from the internet into the VM or associated PD storage.

Reasons to copy data from local storage to the PD

1. To run an interactive analysis (Galaxy, Jupyter Notebook or RStudio) on data stored locally.

Reasons to copy/move from the PD to local storage

1. To back up generated data from an interactive analysis in Terra to local storage. 
2. To allow a colleague to access generated data from an interactive analysis. 

Overview: How to move data between local and Cloud Environment storage

Diagram schematizing how data move between the persistent disk, cloud storage, and local storage. A green double-sided arrow shows data moving between cloud storage and a Terra workspace's persistent disk via cloud environment tools. A black double-sided arrow shows data moving between cloud storage and non-cloud (local) storage via a local Terminal instance.

Because files in local storage and in the Cloud Environment PD have no cloud identifier, you can only move data along the paths with arrows in the diagram above. There is no way to communicate directly between the PD and local storage. Thus, transfers between local storage and the PD require two steps: all transfers have to go through the workspace bucket. 

How to transfer between local storage and PD

You can push data from the PD to a workspace or external bucket or pull data from the workspace or external bucket into the PD using a command-line tool in the Cloud Environment terminal. There are many tools (gcloud storage, ftp, or ssh) pre-installed in the workspace terminal instance. Files stored on the persistent disk are visible from this terminal instance, because it runs on the VM where the PD is mounted.

Similarly, you can push data from local storage to a workspace or external bucket or pull data from the workspace or external bucket into local storage using command line tools in a local terminal instance. 

See the step-by-step instructions below to copy/move files using gcloud storage tools.

  • This includes copying from your institutional HPC or personal computer to your Cloud Environment persistent disk. Because both local storage and the PD are isolated from the rest of the internet, this is a two-step process. Copying to the Workspace bucket is an intermediate step. 

    1. Move/copy files from local storage to the Workspace bucket following directions here

    2. Move/copy files from the Workspace bucket to the Persistent Disk following directions here

  • This includes copying from your Cloud Environment PD to your institutional HPC or personal computer. Because both the PD and local storage are isolated from the rest of the internet, this is a two-step process. Copying to the Workspace bucket is an intermediate step. 

    1. Move/copy files from the PD to workspace bucket following directions here. Remember to reverse the order in the gcloud storage command so the local path is first and the workspace bucket is second.

    2. Move/copy files from the workspace bucket to local storage following directions in this article. You will use gcloud storage running in a terminal on your local system to pull data from the workspace bucket.

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