Launching seqr through Terra

Anton Kovalsky

Seqr is an open source web interface to make rare disease genomics research productive, accessible, and user-friendly. The Seqr portal enables effective searching of rare disease genomic data, providing information on variants associated with those conditions, and links to relevant research literature. 

Launching seqr through a Terra workspace

To launch seqr, navigate to the Data Tab of one of your workspaces, click "Files" at the bottom of the panel on the left, and then click "Analyze in Seqr" near the top right of your screen.

A gif that demonstrates navigating to the Data tab in an AnVIL workspace, clicking on 'Files' in the left-side menu, and clicking the 'Analyze in Seqr' button at the top-right


The Data tab of a Terra workspace with arrows pointing to 'Files' on the left side menu and the 'Analyze in Seqr' button at the top-right

Once in Seqr, you can submit gene information to Matchmaker Exchange - a genomic discovery project dedicated to finding genetic causes for patients with rare diseases.

To learn more about how to use seqr and how it's implemented in AnVIL, check out the links below.

If you run into any issues, please contact the Seqr support team by emailing

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1 comment

  • Comment author
    Jeremy Leipzig

    Could you point me to a joint called 1kg VCF I can use with Seqr? or your "fc-product-demo/1000G-test copy" workspace?


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