This article contains instructions for accessing controlled GTEx/TARGET/TCGA data.
The National Cancer Institute's Genomic Data Commons (GDC) provides researchers and medical practitioners with a way to integrate their data with landmark studies such as the Genotype Tissue Expression project (GTEx), the Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments initiative (TARGET), and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA).
The GDC requires authentication through the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP) and eRA Commons authorization to access controlled data. To gain access to these data, you need to request access to dbGaP by following the instructions on this page. If you don't have eRA Commons access, you can find links to help with this on the same page.
Linking your NIH account to your Terra account
Once you're granted the necessary permissions, to interact with the data through Terra, you need to link your Terra account to the NCI CRDC Framework Services. To do this, open the main Terra menu on the Terra landing page, click on your name, and then click Profile underneath your name (you may need to click the down carat to the right of your name to expand the section).
Once you're in your profile section, click on the External Identities tab in the middle.
Click the blue Log into NIH button.
You'll be redirected to the eRA Commons login page to log in.
Seeking access to TCGA data?You need to be linked to the NCI CRDC Framework Services. You can link using your same NIH credentials.
Once you link your account, you can confirm your link is active in your profile section.
Terra gives you a reminder when your link is close to expiring.
What to expect
Once you link your Terra account, you can access the data for your study of choice through the Terra platform. Below are links to pages where you can log on to your desired resources, as well as links to where you can find relevant workspaces for those resources.
How to access GTEx data (through DUOS)
The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) compiles data on tissue-specific gene expression and regulation. To access this data, see How to access GTEx data in Terra (using DUOS).
How to access TARGET data
The Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments initiative (TARGET) aims to characterize alterations in both gene expression and genomic structure involved in childhood cancers. To access this data, follow the links below:
- TARGET access request page
- Introduction to TARGET data Terra workspace
- TARGET Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Project Terra workspace
- TARGET Kidney Tumors Project Terra workspace
- TARGET Neuroblastoma Project Terra workspace
- TARGET Osteosarcoma Project Terra workspace
How to access TCGA data
The Cancer Genome Atlas is an effort to coordinate data such as gene expression, copy number variation, and clinical information in an effort to accelerate understanding of the molecular bass of cancer. See Accessing TCGA controlled-access workspaces in Terra, and you can also use the links below:
- TCGA access request page
- Introduction to TCGA Terra workspace
- List of TCGA-related workspaces on Terra
Authorization domains and troubleshooting
Authorization domains for dbGaP resource are set to automatically sync daily with the allowlist from NIH/dbGaP. These lists aren't manually managed and depend on dbGaP seeing you as a user with access to the data. If you get access to one of the datasets that day, you might not get access to the data through Terra until the next day, when the system automatically updates. If you do everything properly but have trouble accessing data, here are a few things you can try to troubleshoot your situation before contacting support:
- Make sure your access is active in dbGaP
- Make sure you have access to the correct study
- Make sure your NIH account link is active at (you may need to renew your account linkage, or even try unlinking and then relinking)
- Make sure you see Authorized for the dataset in question (click on the down carat at the right under Resources).
Expand the Resources (down carat at right - arrow in the screenshot above) to see what you're authorized to access. If you don't see your NIH account as authorized for your study of interest, and you can't apply for access yourself, your PI can designate you as a downloader for the study. Once they designate you, your authorization should show up in Terra. Note: The NIH allowlist refreshes daily, so you may need to wait up to one day to see the authorization.