Linking Gen3 data and Terra

Allie Hajian
  • Updated

Follow these step-by-step instructions to link your Gen3 credentials to your Terra account. This allows you to analyze Gen3 data on Terra. If you prefer a live demo, watch the four-minute Terra Quick Tips video below.   

Note that AnVIL data is now provided through the  AnVIL Data ExplorerThe AnVIL Gen3 data portal is no longer available.

Step 1. Log into Gen3

Go to and follow the login instructions. 

BioData Catalyst login page screenshot


Notice you can log in with either your NIH credentials or a Google ID. The one you use will determine how Terra will prompt you to link your account in step 2.

Note: All researchers should use their NIH (Researcher Auth Serv) for login.

Step 2. Go to your Profile page

2.1. Go to or click on the main navigation menu at the top left of any page in Terra and expend the section under your name.

2.2. Go to the External Identities tab.


2.3. Click on the blue Log into NHLBI button under NHLBI BioData Catalyst Framework Services.


Step 3. Log into the Framework Services

You will be prompted to log in. The screen you  see depends on how you logged into Gen3 (step 1).

  • BioData-catalyst-NIH-login-screen-for-linking-to-Terra_screenshot.png
  • Gen3-login-screen-for-linking-to-Terra-with-a-developer-Google-login_screenshot.png

Step 4. Verify your external link

Return to your Profile > External Identities page to confirm your authorization is linked in Terra. 


Your Gen3 link will expire after 15 daysOnce your link expires, you will no longer have access to controlled data and you will need to repeat this process. You can see the date your link expires by checking on your Profile page (screenshot above). Note that before starting a workflow, it is worth renewing the link so that it does not expire while the workflow is running.

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