January 24, 2025

Allie Cliffe
  • Updated

The following release notes correspond to the dates January 18 to January 24, 2025.

This release also includes back-end updates to workflows, interactive analysis (Notebooks, Galaxy, RStudio), user interface, Data Repository, and Google integrations to improve upcoming features.

Terra Data Repo

  • Bug fix: Always show the correct tab selected upon navigation around the website.

  • Added the ability to select billing profile, name, and description to the full view snapshot button.
    • Popup modal includes billing projects the use has access to.

    • User can enter a snapshot name and description with our normal validation.

    • Changing the billing project changes which account is billed on snapshot create.

    • Users can create a snapshot without having access to the original dataset billing account.

    • Updated the Data Access Request (DAR) schema to allow for Progress Reports including the sections below. 
      1. Generic Summary
          - A summary of how the data was used
              - private String progressReportSummary;
           - Any intellectual property generated through use of the data
              - private String intellectualPropertySummary;
           - A list of publications and presentations generated through use of the data
               - private List<Publication> publications;

      2. A Data Management Incident (DMI) section if the data was misused (if a user selects “yes” there has been an incident)

      3. A closeout report section if the researcher is finished with their research


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