The following release notes correspond to the dates January 18 to January 24, 2025.
This release also includes back-end updates to workflows, interactive analysis (Notebooks, Galaxy, RStudio), user interface, Data Repository, and Google integrations to improve upcoming features.
Terra Data Repo
Bug fix: Always show the correct tab selected upon navigation around the website.
Added the ability to select billing profile, name, and description to the full view snapshot button.
Popup modal includes billing projects the use has access to.
User can enter a snapshot name and description with our normal validation.
Changing the billing project changes which account is billed on snapshot create.
Users can create a snapshot without having access to the original dataset billing account.
Updated the Data Access Request (DAR) schema to allow for Progress Reports including the sections below.
1. Generic Summary
- A summary of how the data was used
- private String progressReportSummary;
- Any intellectual property generated through use of the data
- private String intellectualPropertySummary;
- A list of publications and presentations generated through use of the data
- private List<Publication> publications;2. A Data Management Incident (DMI) section if the data was misused (if a user selects “yes” there has been an incident)
3. A closeout report section if the researcher is finished with their research
Generate a combined spend report for all of the workspaces you own across billing projects. To view, go to the Main Navigation > Platform News -> Feature Previews and turn on Improved Spend Reports. See this article for more details.
The `GET /register/userinfo` API endpoint at is now deleted. This endpoint did not function properly with Terra's latest login process.
Users can replicate the behavior of this endpoint by calling directly or by following the directions in the Obtaining user profile information section at