December 6, 2024

Allie Cliffe
  • Updated

The following release notes correspond to the dates November 20, 2024, to December 6, 2024. This release also includes back-end updates to workflows, interactive analysis (Notebooks, Galaxy, RStudio), user interface, Data Repository, and Google integrations to improve upcoming features.

Terra Data Repo

  • Error message improvements for dataset schema updates
    This change will help troubleshooting when using the self-service workflow.    


  • Don't let cloud quotas slow down your workflow submissions
    If a workspace in Terra is experiencing cloud quota exhaustion that prevents new workflows from starting, Cromwell will not start new jobs in that workspace. Once the quota issue is resolved (either by raising the quota or if no more jobs are waiting for quota), Cromwell will resume starting new jobs. This reduces system capacity wasted on jobs that cannot make progress.


  • Save on storage costs by setting lifecycle rules on workspace Buckets
    GCP workspace buckets now support the ability to set lifecycle rules to delete files in a defined location after a defined period of time.

    See this Lifecycle conditions article for more information from Google about lifecycle rules. Terra currently only supports Delete actions with age and matchesPrefix conditions. To find this feature in workspace settings, click on the 3-dot action icon next to a workspace on the workspaces list page or on a workspace’s dashboard to surface a dropdown. Check out the Roadmap article Save storage costs with Bucket lifecycle rules

  • Configure soft delete settings in Terra 
    GCP workspace buckets now support the ability to modify the retention period during which a deleted object can be restored. The current default retention period is 7 days. This value can be changed through workspace settings by clicking on the 3-dot dropdown next to a workspace on the workspaces list page or on a workspace’s dashboard. See this article  for more information from Google about soft delete.

Terra Roadmap

  • Want to learn about/try new features in Terra? Check out the new Terra Roadmap!
    You'll now find a Platform News section in Terra's main navigation (three parallel lines at the top left) that includes a new Feature Preview page where you can learn about and opt-in to try new features and give feedback about a feature before it is made generally available to all users.

    Platform news in the main menu navigationScreenshot 2024-11-22 at 11.13.33 AM.png

    Feature Preview screenshotScreenshot 2024-11-22 at 11.15.55 AM.png


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