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Latest activity by dsilencio
dsilencio commented,
I did switch the SplitIntervals scatter_mode to 'INTERVAL_SUBDIVISION' which resulted in thousands of shards. I initially tried to get an estimate of cost for the joint genotyping step by running G...
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dsilencio commented,
Hi Irakli, I was able to run this workflow on ~4300 WGS cram files using the workflow as described. I elected to use GenotypeGVCFs (contrary to the recommendations above) in order to keep the pipel...
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dsilencio created a post,
Large WGS cohort genotyping with 'GATK Best Practices Germline SNPs and INDELS'
Hello Beri , I am looking to perform joint genotyping on 4300 WGS samples with the with the 1-4-JointGenotyping-hg38 Workflow from the GATK Best Practices Germline SNPs and INDELs Workspace. I have...
- dsilencio
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