Completed Feature Requests
Show Workspace owner(s) in workspace dashboard Completed
- VickyGuo
workspace attribute workspace-column-defaults Completed
- Sushma Chaluvadi
Easier job cancellation in Terra Completed
- ericco92
Search in select sample set bug. Request being able to select multiple sample sets Completed
- harold13
- Edited
Snapshot list is lexicographic sorting Completed
- Megan Shand
Import multiple versions of tool into Terra workspace and rename them Completed
- Adelaide Rhodes
Option to clear configuration fields before uploading a new .json file Completed
- Caroline Porter
Import workspace attributes from the file Completed
- Liudmila Elagina
Job Manager: Last updated column Completed
- RobinK
Preserve my persistent disk across notebook VM/Cluster recreation Completed
- Matt Bookman
Versioning for WDL? Completed
- Adelaide Rhodes
Documentation for uploading data in Terra should be linked when you try to upload Completed
- Megan Shand
field for entity that was run on job history Completed
- Chip
UI: Bad output expression for PAPI jobs Completed
- Kendra West
Seeing Inputs and Outputs to a task in Job Manager Completed
- Megan Shand
WDL 1.0 Completed
- Oliver Ruebenacker
Columns in Job Manager Completed
- Megan Shand
Workspace Lock Completed
- Beri
Set metadata column order during tsv upload Completed
- Kathryn Larkin
Create sample set from within Data tab Completed
- Neeru Bhardwaj
Sort Workspaces Chronologically Rather than Alphabetically Completed
- Micah Rickles-Young
Sample Search tool Completed
- neumann
Notebook Terminal Timeout when switching browser tabs Completed
- Beri
- Edited
Re-add tags to workspaces Completed
- Brendan Reardon
Delete Data / Copy Data options are hard to find in Data tab Completed
- Kate Voss
AutoPause in Terra Notebooks Completed
- Megan Shand
Develop a Filter-Search box for sample data Completed
- neumann
Markdown in Dashboard - Tables Completed
- Beri
Display job status on the workspace tiles Completed
- Tiffany Miller
Specify and delete intermediate files Completed
- Tiffany Miller
- Edited
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