Active Feature Requests
Enable re-prioritization of jobs
- jamesp
By default, use all low-cost US zones in Workflows
- jamesp
FR: Read-only administrative users in groups
- Matt Bookman
Check illegal set names when selecting data in "Select samples to process"
- Mark Fleharty
Full USCS HG19 fasta and databases built on that reference
- Matthieu J. Miossec
Make it more obvious how to copy text from Data tab
- melchang
Feature Request: See how many jobs are running at a time
- Megan Shand
Timing Diagram in Job Manager should show preempted attempts
- Megan Shand
Workspace-relative links and workspace variables in Workspace Descriptions
- Matt Bookman
Merge Notebooks
- Kate Herman
- Edited
Permit downloading all notebooks in a workspace
- jamesp
JobManager should open in context
- Josh Gould
Please add privileges to users granted access to a Billing Project
- Matt Bookman
Unable to easily navigate back to Terra workspaces from Job Manager (not Job History)
- Jean Chang
Clutter in job history
- harold13
A list of issues
- harold13
tools > Display 'optional' inputs with their defaults, rather than hiding them
- jamesp
More specific sharing permission controls
- Kathryn Larkin
Restarting failed workflows while other worflows are still running in that job submission
- Liudmila Elagina
Visual indicator of public workspaces
- Tiffany Miller
JavaScript widgets
- Josh Gould
Preview of table when uploading data to Terra
- Megan Shand
usability: vertical dots icon in a workspace hard to find
- Doug Voet
Data tab should choose some table to show by default
- Alexander Baumann
Filter pre-emptions out of job errors in Job Manager
- Brad Taylor
Clicking file handle in Job Manager opens search for file in GCloud storage
- Brendan Reardon
- Edited
Terra handoff UI - export to a clone of an existing workspace
- Neeru Bhardwaj
Notification Dropdown
- Beri
Running Icon in Terra Notebooks
- Megan Shand
- Edited
Markdown in Dashboard - backticks
- Beri
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