Active Feature Requests
Make workspace environment variables available in workflow configuration
- Geraldine Van der Auwera
RStudio and Jupyter in one environment
- Peter van Galen
Adding my own reference disk image to be mounted to the workflow task VMs
- Beri
- Edited
Ability to create/modify cloud environments from the Cloud Environments page
- Geraldine Van der Auwera
Bug - pop ups inaccessible and off screen in task configuration Completed
- Brendan Reardon
Please allow transfer folders as inputs and outputs
- Bo Li
Show how many files are in data section in UI
- Ash O'Farrell
custom workflow options to cromwell
- Zhonghui Xu
When sharing a workspace prompt to share workflows too
- Andrea Haessly
Open links in workspace description into a new tab
- Matt Bookman
Jupyter Lab
- Stephen Fleming
Timing Diagram in Job Manager should show preempted attempts
- Megan Shand
Use terminology "Notebook runtime" instead of "Cluster", except when it is actually a cluster
- Matt Bookman
Create a workspace dataset, just like a workspace bucket
- Matt Bookman
tools > Display 'optional' inputs with their defaults, rather than hiding them
- jamesp
Latex in Dashboard
- Beri
Display workspace submission status on homepage
- Brendan Reardon
Allow Owners on a Billing Project to set BigQuery quotas
- Matt Bookman
WDL 1.1
- Adrienne Stilp
Accessing public Google-hosted datasets from our workspace
- Aniebiet Abasi Akpan
Workflow auto-retry based on error message
- Stephen Fleming
Better support for nested inputs in workflow config UI
- Morgan Taylor
Add support for T2D CPU platform
- Vamsi Thiriveedhi
Snakemake support
- Etienne Low-Decarie
Support folders (in addition to files) in the Terra data table
- Stephen Fleming
Opt Out/In to Submission Notifications for All Workspaces
- Micah Rickles-Young
switch email account associated with Terra?
- Elizabeth Sheets
import data to workspace data table from tsv file in workspace
- Ben Heavner
Change workspace name
- Peter van Galen
RFE: making it easier to work with files and workflow execution buckets
- Andrew Davidson
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