impact of project-per-workspace on existing automation tools
I just learned about the new single project per workspace change in the 9/27 release of Terra. This is a major change which is likely to have a significant impact on many of the automation tools we use in our lab for managing Terra workspaces.
One major impact is on our use of Terra for the IBM resistance project, where the IBM Cancer Resistance data portal automatically generates Production Analysis Workspaces (PrAns) for close to 50 study cohorts. I haven't had time to fully determine the impact of the single project per workspace change on PrAn generation and management, but our portal software creates PrAns under the broad-getzlab-ibm-prans-t project. The portal runs on the google app engine platform and the portal's service account,, has user privileges for the terra billing project. Portal software uses FISS for the programmatic management of these PrAns. We are ramping up for our end-of-the-year data deliverables for IBM and don't have the software engineering resources to adapt our portal software to the new project-per-workspace model in the midst of the current push for the 2021 deliverables.
Another area in which the single-project-per-workspace change is going to have profound impact is in our use of a Tableau application, authored by GP analytics (called cloudspend2) for tracking google cloud costs. The app breaks down those costs by billing account and project. We have some Terra billing projects that have dozens of workspaces, and the explosion of projects in the new single-project-per-workspace model will make this very valuable cost tracking app virtually unusable for us.
Finally, within our lab, we have an infrastructure for management of google cloud resources that is built around google projects and the ACLs on those projects. This extends to the Terra billing projects under which we create terra workspaces. The single-project-per-workspace throws a wrench in all of that.
I understand why you would want to move to this new project-per-workspace model for cost tracking purposes, but am asking that you maintain backwards compatibility with the older model.
Thank you for writing in! I've sent this request to our development team for consideration, and I'll be happy to follow up with you if this feature gets built.
Kind regards,
Hi Chet,
Would you be interested in meeting with one of our product managers in order to discuss how the PPW changes will affect your work? We would be happy to go over any concerns you have moving forwards.
Kind regards,
Yes, I would be interested in meeting with a project manager to discuss this. I would like to include Saveliy Belkin in that meeting. Please note that I work Mondays-Thursdays.
Hi Chet,
I'm going to find a time that works for you and our team to meet, you should receive an invitation to the event by tomorrow. If the time that we set does not work let us know and we can find another time.
Kind regards,
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