VEP with Hail

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I'd like to run the variant effect predictor through Hail from within a Terra notebook. Instructions for setting up a dataproc cluster that would be able to do this are provided by the hail team (, but I'm unsure of how to translate these to cluster startup in Terra.

After speaking with a few of the Hail developers, they mentioned that it would be possible if Terra allowed you to specify initialization actions on cluster startup.


Do you have any advice on how I could do this?





  • Comment author
    Jason Cerrato

    Hey Tim,

    Thanks for writing in. Let me see if I can get an environment set up the way you need and get back to you.

    Kind regards,


  • Comment author
    Jason Cerrato

    Hey Tim,

    I see you were able to discuss this with our Interactive Analysis team and have been informed that this is unfortunately not yet supported. I am happy to reach out to you once I receive word that it is!

    If we can help with anything else, please let us know.

    Kind regards,


  • Comment author
    Tiffany Miller
    • Edited

    Hi Tim, I am moving this thread to the feature requests section since another user asked about this. 


    Community - if this is something you'd like to see supported in Terra, please upvote it!

  • Comment author
    Stephanie Hao

    Has this feature been added to Terra?

  • Comment author
    Pamela Bretscher

    Hi Stephanie,

    Thanks for inquiring about this feature request. This feature has not yet been added to Terra. The Terra Support team will move active feature requests to the completed feature requests forum section when they are complete and will provide updates to users! You can definitely upvote this request which our product team will take into consideration when prioritizing new features.

    Kind regards,



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