cromwell file permission declined
Im running a workflow on Terra using a image hosted on gcr. My image has the scripts built in, and has symlinks (/usr/local/bin/)
my code looks like(not letting me format here):
version 1.0
workflow test {
input {
File inputFile
String image
call sample_sheet { input:
inputFile= inputFile,
image = image,
task sample_sheet {
input {
File inputFile
String image
command {
python /usr/local/bin/sample_sheet \
I am getting an error as below:
/cromwell_root/script: line 24: /cromwell_root/fc-90656418-1508-427d-bd2d-091f50c98dee/input_file.txt: Permission denied
Hi Sevgi Umur Reagh,
Thanks for reaching out. Can you share the workspace where you are seeing this issue with by clicking the Share button in your workspace? The Share option is in the three-dots menu at the top-right.
Let us know the workspace name, as well as the relevant submission and workflow IDs. We’ll be happy to take a closer look as soon as we can.
Hi Samantha,
Thank you for your response. the work space name is honeycomb-billing/Hive_Terra, the workflow is task_wdl v.30, 0c9fba57-5b9f-4739-b0b7-f27ef0a8507d
this is the latest submission where I've tried to re-produce the same error.
Hi Sevgi Umur Reagh,
Can you provide the image you are using, and also share your method with
I think the problem is simply that in the code:
You left a space after the "\" character, so it is not interpreted as a line continuation.
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