Difficult to insert cursor when trying to edit workflow config inputs Completed
Within the workspace, when trying to edit workflow inputs (especially of type string), clicking within the value to position the cursor doesn't work correctly. it usually doesn't move the cursor and sometimes when it does, it's not at the location you click. it's also hard to highlight text.
I've experienced this same issue for about a week.
Thanks Andrea and Sabrina,
We have created a ticket for this and will be passing the input along to the Terra development team.
Not sure if this is the same issue, but the dropdown menu inappropriately goes "down" even when it's at the bottom of the screen, so you can't actually see it to select your input.
I was just looking into the cursor being difficult to insert -- It doesn't look like this is an issue any longer, but please let me know if it is.
jamesp Looks like that dropdown is still a problem through correct?
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