Unable to easily navigate back to Terra workspaces from Job Manager (not Job History)

Post author
Jean Chang

If I click the "Your Jobs" option, I'm directed to Job Manager (and not Job History from within a workspace).

Currently, I don't see a way to navigate back to Terra options (ie. my workspaces or tools) from this page.

Could there either be a link back to Terra or could Job Manager be opened in a separate window so I don't have to open a new Terra page?


1 comment

  • Comment author
    Ruchi Munshi

    Hey Jean,

    You're right, the navigation back in to Terra from Job Manager isn't worked out at all. It's very much on our mind, and we hope to cover functionality gaps first, and tackle the transition links in August.

    Until then, the Job Manager links should open in new tabs. Can you confirm that's not the case? I just tested for myself but maybe links in different parts of the UI are behaving differently.


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