Error: Attribute names can't start with sys_ or contain characters besides letters, numbers, spaces, dashes or underscores
Hello, I am trying to upload the following sample.tsv in a Terra on Azure workspace. Note: it is utilizing gs:// paths that I plan to update.
I am getting this error and I can't figure out what in the file is causing the issue: Attribute names can't start with sys_ or contain characters besides letters, numbers, spaces, dashes or underscores.
The full error
{ "timestamp": "2023-11-16T16:37:21.868+00:00", "status": 400, "error": "Bad Request", "message": "Attribute names can't start with sys_ or contain characters besides letters, numbers, spaces, dashes or underscores.", "path": "/1996f47d-f2fd-4acb-a5d8-b09899753c96/tsv/v0.2/sample" }
Txt version of file:
entity:sample_id analysis_ready_bam cram fastq1 fastq2 fastq_interleaved library_name participant platform_name platform_unit read_group run_date sequencing_center
NA12878_small gs://gatk-test-data/wgs_bam/NA12878_24RG_hg38/NA12878_24RG_small.hg38.bam gs://gatk-test-data/wgs_cram/NA12878_20k_hg38/NA12878.cram gs://gatk-test-data/wgs_fastq/NA12878_20k/H06HDADXX130110.1.ATCACGAT.20k_reads_1.fastq gs://gatk-test-data/wgs_fastq/NA12878_20k/H06HDADXX130110.1.ATCACGAT.20k_reads_2.fastq gs://gatk-test-data/wgs_fastq/NA12878_20k/H06JUADXX130110.1.ATCACGAT.20k_interleaved.fastq Solexa-NA12878 {"entityType":"participant","entityName":"NA12878"} illumina H06HDADXX130110.1.ATCACGAT NA12878_A 2016-09-01T02:00:00+0200 BI
Can you help identify the error? Can I request a feature to make the error more useful by identifying the line(s) causing the issues?
Note: I tried removing the columns with the { } and the + and still had issues uploading.
Thank you!
Hi Tiffany,
Thanks for writing in! I'm having difficulty replicating the error that you're currently seeing. I have a few follow up questions that should help me troubleshoot this issue:
Please let me know the answers to those questions and we'll take a look as soon as we can.
Hi Josh, I can email the tsv to you. I downloaded the tsv from a Terra workspace and then edited it in MS Excel.
Hi Tiffany,
Thanks for providing that information. I did some testing with your files and I believe that I have a possible solution. The files that you provided have the first column listed as entity:sample_id. As it turns out, tsv files for Terra on Azure shouldn't use the entity: label as with Terra on GCP.
I changed the column to sample_id and the file uploaded correctly.
Please give that a try and let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Josh, I had a hunch that was it. This thread will hopefully help others who hit this error message.
Hi Tiffany,
Thanks for the reply! I'm glad I could help.
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