Errors while loading a workspace with project ownership
Hi Terra team,
In the last couple of days most of the workspaces I am trying to access give me the following error messages:
To access the files I need to refresh the workspaces multiple times and even then it sometimes just does not load the files. Is there something that could be done about it? Thank you!
Hi Edyta,
Thanks for writing in about this issue. Could you share screenshots of what you see when you click on the "details" button for these errors? Additionally, could you share one of the workspaces where you are seeing this issue with Terra Support by clicking the Share button in your workspace? The Share option is in the three-dots menu at the top-right.
Please provide a link to your workspace. I'll be happy to take a closer look as soon as I can!
Kind regards,
Hi Pamela,
The workspace I screenshot does not have these errors anymore because I kept refreshing it until all got loaded. So here are two types of errors from some other random workspaces:

This minute only these two types of errors showed up (on five workspaces) and couple other workspaces loaded correctly. These transient errors are gone after a while and then show up again, so I am not sure how sharing workspace would help you... I am trying to catch the other errors and will post them asap.
Hi Pamela,
Here is another expanded error:
Hi Edyta,
Thanks for providing these screenshots. From the error messages and the fact that the errors eventually go away, it looks like an issue with a delay in IAM permissions propagating in Google. This is something that we have had other reports of and our engineers are looking into. I can make a note of the issues you're seeing and will let you know when our engineers have any updates on this. Are you eventually able to get the proper access to all the resources you need in your workspaces?
Kind regards,
Hi Pamela,
Eventually I get the access and good to hear that Terra team is already looking into these types of issues. Good luck!
Hi Edyta,
Thanks for letting me know! Given that you eventually get access, this doesn't seem like an actual error but just a delay on the Google side in propagating the appropriate permissions. I will keep you updated!
Kind regards,
Thank you!
Hi Terra team,
I am getting even more errors right now and in fact cannot open any Terra workspace, not even after many reloadings:
Best regards,
Hi Edyta,
Thanks for providing this screenshot of the errors you're seeing and I apologize for the late reply. Can you share one of the workspaces where you are seeing this issue with Terra Support by clicking the Share button in your workspace? The Share option is in the three-dots menu at the top-right.
Please also provide a link to your workspace. Are you experiencing these errors in all of your workspaces?
Kind regards,
Hi Pamela,
I see these errors on many workspaces, but these errors are random. The same workspace can open with or without errors, so you may have to try to load it multiple times reproduce these errors. Here is an example from just a minute ago:
There is an error about the bucket location, but you can see on the screenshot that the bucket name was correctly loaded and I can click on it and copy.
Here are screenshots of the expanded errors:
I just shared this workspace with the support.
I also had problems in submitting workflows - the submissions were refused due to issues with accessing the workspace, but I kept trying and after couple of trials each workflow was submitted. I have not submitted anything yesterday or today, so I cannot tell if this problem persist.
Good luck!
Hi Edyta,
Thank you for providing all of this additional information! I'm going to work on trying to replicate the issue to see if I can determine what the problem is. Do these errors appearing in your workspace actually interfere with anything or are they just appearing? It does seem like these errors are consistent with the Google delays in propagating IAM permissions but it's strange that you continue to experience them after a while.
Kind regards,
Hi Pamela,
These errors gave me a bit of hard time couple of days ago when I had to submit workflows multiple times before they got submitted, but as I mentioned in the earlier post I have not ran any workflows the last three days, so I cannot say of the problems persist.
Best regards,
Hi Edyta,
Okay, thanks for letting me know. When you ran these workflows, had you recently gotten access to or cloned the workspace or is this an older workspace?
Kind regards,
Hi Pamela, these were both older workspaces and newly created ones.
Hi Edyta,
Okay, thanks for letting me know. Have you been able to try re-running these workflows again since the last failures?
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