July 18, 2022

Yashasvika Duggal
  • Updated

The following release notes correspond to July 12, 2022 - July 18, 2022. This release also includes back-end updates to the Data Repository, workflows, interactive analysis, user interface, and Google integrations to improve upcoming features.


Data Repo

  • TDR will now correctly use the ECM service corresponding to its environment.
  • TDR's enumerateSnapshot endpoint should now not fail when encountering ECM errors, since RAS passports are not yet live in production.
  • TDR now prevents users from defining multimodal BigQuery columns by throwing an error if users mark a column as both "required" and an "array_of" value.

Cloud Integrations

  • We've added SupportRequestService class to create and post Support Tickets in the structure required by the Zendesk API.
  • When deleting a workspace via a direct call to api.firecloud.org, we've eliminated a misleading message in the API response that said "You cannot delete this workspace." Workspaces were successfully deleted; it was the message that was incorrect. This did not affect workspaces deleted via the UI.
  • We've deprecated additional email and academic email user fields
  • ncbiaccess will now retry failed FTP downloads before giving up on a file
  • New API for deleting a DAR Collection by ID 
    • https://consent.dsde-prod.broadinstitute.org/#/DAR%20Collection/delete_api_collections__collectionId_
  • New API for updating a limited set of User fields 
    • https://consent.dsde-prod.broadinstitute.org/#/User/put_api_user

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