February 16, 2022

Kaylee Mathews
  • Updated

The following release notes correspond to January 24, 2022 - February 16, 2022. This release includes back-end updates to workflows, user interface, and Google integrations to improve upcoming features.

Interactive Analysis (Notebooks, Galaxy, RStudio)

  • Previously, when using the Jupyter Cloud Environment and reconfiguring the Docker runtime image, the persistent disk (PD) only preserved contents under the /home/jupyter/notebooks directory but not the files in the user's home directory. We've updated the mount point for PDs to the user's home directory, /home/jupyter or /home/jupyter-user. To determine the name of your home directory, run !echo $HOME from within your notebook.

Data Repository

  • You can now click to open the google console to view your BigQuery datasets and tables for TDR datasets and snapshots (!!!)
  • We fixed a permissions issue for snapshot creators that prevented them from reading datasets.
  • Information describing the creation of snapshots is now retained and, when available, returned by the snapshot retrieve endpoint.
  • The "Export to Workspace" mechanism will now make a copy of the tabular data in a snapshot and store the copy of that tabular data into the workspace.  This means that when a snapshot is exported to a workspace, everyone who has access to the workspace will now be able to see the data inside the snapshot.
  • We fixed a malfunction in the delete asset endpoint (removeDatasetAssetSpecifications) in Swagger UI 

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