The following release notes correspond to July 21, 2021 - August 2, 2021. In addition to the items below, this release includes back-end updates to Google Integrations and workflows to improve upcoming features.
Interactive Analysis (Notebooks, Galaxy, RStudio)
- Private Google Container Registry (GCR) images can now be used in Terra Cloud Environments. Read about publishing images to GCR in this article:
- Memory updates to Cloud Environments are now reflected in RStudio runtimes.
User Interface
- As of July 20th, 2021, Terra Jupyter Notebooks support the use of virtual machines with GPUs. The feature is in beta. More information can be found in this article:
- Removed incorrect information suggesting Galaxy supports auto-pausing. Additionally. users will now see a reference link to an article about pausing and resuming Galaxy apps.
- Previously, when adding Reference Data (b37Human or hg38) in the Data tab of a workspace, nothing appeared in the left-hand navigation unless two different reference sets were selected. We fixed this bug, and now the data appears with the selection of a single set.
- When creating a Jupyter Notebook, the Python 2 option is no longer available in the Terra UI
- The minimum disk size for Dataproc clusters is now 60G.
Data Repository/Workspaces
- The response payload of the list-snapshots v2 API endpoint in Rawls is now consistent with the get-snapshot API, so callers can use the same models/parsing logic. The API that changed is /api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/snapshots/v2. This is a breaking change and has been vetted with all current users of this API.
- The v2 list-snapshots API in Rawls now offers the ability to list only those snapshot references that refer to a given Terra Data Repo snapshot id. To use this feature, specify a 'referencedSnapshotId` query parameter when calling the API.
- (beta feature) Access to file cloud resource in Azure is not monitored in storage account blobs
- (beta feature) Users can delete individual Azure files from a dataset
- (beta feature) Users can now ingest files into an Azure-typed dataset from an Azure storage account
- Added Job History table sorting and other layout improvements to the Job History table