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May 24, 2021

Derek Caetano-Anolles
  • Updated

The following release notes correspond to May 17, 2021 - May 24, 2021. In addition to the items below, this release includes back-end updates to workflows, notebooks, User Interface and Google Integrations to improve upcoming features.



  • Cromwell has been updated to version 63. See a full list of changes that have been incorporated since the last version at the following link.


Google Integrations

  • The workbench snapshot API (eg. those in /api​/workspaces​/v1​/{workspaceId}​/datareferences*) is now deprecated in favor of a newer V2 API. The deprecated API will be removed in 90 days. If you are currently using the V1 API (statistically, not many of you), then you will need to switch over to using the V2 endpoints before the end of August 2021.
  • The performance of tab-separated value (TSV) file uploads and other batch updates to data entities has been improved in cases where the upload/update payload consists primarily of unchanged entities. So, for example, if you download a TSV containing thousands of rows of data, change one row, and then re-upload that TSV file, then you will notice that the process is a lot smoother.
  • Markdown strings, such as those found in workspace descriptions, can now contain HTML (any javascript will be ignored, though). Note that anchor links (i.e. links to a heading on a page) are currently unsupported.

Data Repository

  • Buckets are now created in the same region as a dataset. You are now in control of where your data is stored.


Interactive analysis (Notebooks, RStudio, Galaxy)

  • Legacy GATK (default prior to June 1, 2020) (GATK, Python 3.7.7, R 3.6.3) image has been removed from the 'Create a Runtime' dropdown list.

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