January 25, 2021

Derek Caetano-Anolles
  • Updated

The following release notes correspond to January 20, 2021 - January 25, 2021. In addition to these changes, this release includes back-end updates to workflows and notebooks to improve upcoming features.

Google Integrations

  • Fixed a bug where, under rare conditions when exporting a workflow to your workspace, you would receive an error stating "Substream cannot be materialized more than once". This occurred when the workflow contained a very large number of inputs/outputs or when the network connection was particularly slow.
  • TSV files with up to 1,024 columns are now supported.


  • For users with access to the All Of Us Workbench, the workbench can create Jupyter runtimes with debug-level logging enabled.
  • User-installed packages for RStudio runtimes will now be located in /home/rstudio/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/${R_VERSION}-${BIOCONDUCTOR_VERSION} for docker images us.gcr.io/anvil-gcr-public/anvil-rstudio-bioconductor:0.0.10 and later.




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