These release notes correspond to November 10, 2020 - November 19, 2020. This release includes back-end updates to Workflows and Google Integrations.
- The Python package enum34 has been removed from the terra-jupyter-python image. The image now uses the standard library enum module by default.
- The RStudio Terra image was updated with Bioconductor v3.12 and R v4.0.3. For a description of the Bioconductor changes, see
User Interface
- Cost estimates for Spark clusters using both workers and preemptibles were updated to be more accurate.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a workflow imported from Dockstore to display an outdated version in the Terra if a floating reference is used (e.g. "dev" or "master"). Workflows stored in the Broad Methods Repository were not affected.
- Cromwell 54 has been released (see the official Release notes here). The following summarizes the updates:
- Fixed the write_json() for Array[_] inputs. It should now work for Boolean, String, Integer, Float, Pair[_, _], Object, Map[_, _] and Array[_] (including array of objects) type inputs
- Removed Spark backend support; it was not widely used and its removal helps narrow the scope of Cromwell code
- Improved DRS Localizer logging. Error logging while localizing a DRS URI should now be more clear, especially when there is a Requester Pays bucket involved
- Enabled overriding system-level hog factors on back-end level (more details here)
- Removed martha_v2 support; only the most recent martha will be used. To switch to
the new version of Martha's metadata endpoint, update themartha.url
found in the filesystemsconfig to point to/martha_v3
- Added DOS/DRS
support; more information can be found here. - Made DOS/DRS metadata retrieval retried by default. Attempts to retrieve DOS/DRS metadata from Martha will be retried by default. More information can be found here