July 20, 2020

Liz Kiernan
  • Updated

The following release notes correspond to July 17, 2020 - July 20, 2020. In addition to these changes, this release includes back-end updates to Notebooks, Google integrations, and User Interface to improve upcoming features.


  • We have upgraded to Cromwell 52. As part of this update, Cromwell in Terra will now ignore the noAddress attribute specified in the WDL workflow Runtime. Users might have previously used this attribute outside Terra to increase jobs-per-project, but Cromwell in Terra cannot guarantee correct VPC network setup and already imposes a set limit of 2400 jobs-per-project which this attribute can not change. Removing the attribute will help avoid the risk of starting jobs in misconfigured subnetworks and the significant associated costs. We continue work to improve the job-per-project limit.

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