The following release notes correspond to February 22, 2020-February 24, 2020. This release includes back-end updates to Google Integrations and User Interface to improve upcoming features.
- We resolved an issue causing Terra to inappropriately display a "Relaunch Workflows" button next to workflows launched with a previous version of the workflow configuration; the platform only supports relaunching with the latest version of the configuration.
- We now support workflow JSONs that specify the google cloud storage location of reference files using an "https://... " schema in addition to the traditional"gs://..." schema.
For example, the genomic reference file "TopMedAligner.ref_alt" is located in a google bucket ( You can specify this file location in a JSON using the https format below:
"TopMedAligner.ref_alt": ""
Alternatively, you can use the gs format below:
"TopMedAligner.ref_alt": "gs://topmed_workflow_testing/topmed_aligner/reference_files/hg38/hs38DH.fa.alt"
- Notebooks are now available in BioData Catalyst Terra User Interface. Please note that this update is specific to BioData Catalyst users and has no impact for all other Terra Notebook users.
- We've updated Notebooks so that you can change some compute resources associated with your notebook runtime without deleting and recreating your machine.
What real-time updates can you make to Notebook compute resources?
1) You can increase the disk size or change the number of workers (when the number of workers is > 2). During this update, you can continue to work in your Notebook without stopping your runtime. When the update is finished, you will see a confirmation banner.
2) You can increase or decrease the # of CPUs or memory. During this update, the Notebook runtime will stop the runtime, update, and then restart. The update will take a couple of minutes to complete and you will not be able to continue editing or running the Notebook while it's completing.
Please note that if you want to simultaneously change the workers in conjunction with CPU/memory updates, we advise doing this sequentially by first updating the CPUs/memory, waiting for the Notebook runtime to restart, and then adjusting the workers.
Any other runtime changes (e.g. decreasing the disk size or changing the environment type) require deleting the existing runtime and creating a new one. When you create the new runtime, any non-notebook files and installed packages will be lost. Please backup files as appropriate.