June 6, 2019

Adelaide Rhodes
  • Updated

The following release notes correspond to the dates May 31, 2019 to June 6, 2019.


1. Cromwell 41 has been upgraded to Cromwell 42.  Full details about the Cromwell 42 release can be found here.  Two of the notable release items from the link:

  1. /describe endpoint for Womtool distinguishes between whether workflow is valid with invalid inputs or whether the workflow is invalid
    • Womtool is a helpful java script that examines a WDL file with one workflow in it, compute all the inputs needed for that workflow and outputs a JSON template that the user can fill in with values.  More info can be found here.
  2. VPN can be configured for PAPIv2

Notable: the release also relaxes the Cromwell hog factors from 19 down to 10 (ie each project can create up to ~10,000 jobs before it hits the limit).


1.  A new startup script is available that enables igv.js inside Terra notebooks.  


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