How to register on Terra (Google SSO)

Allie Hajian
  • Updated

This article covers step-by-step instructions on registering for an account on Terra using a Google ID for Single Sign On (SSO).

Should you use Google or Microsoft for SSO?You can use Terra on Google or Terra on Azure no matter what ID you use for SSO. However, your Terra ID needs to match the appropriate cloud (Google or Microsoft) to access non-Terra resources on GCP or Azure, respectively.

For example, if you will be interacting with Google Cloud Billing accounts, datasets in external Google buckets or anything in the GCP console, you will need to use a Google ID to register for Terra. 

Before you register

These instructions assume you have created or already have a Google account. If you don't already have a Gmail or an institutional G-Suite email account, see Setting up a Google account with a non-Google email for instructions.

Don't know if your institutional account is a Google account? Try logging into an incognito Chrome window with your institution email and password. If you're able to log in, your email is a Google account.

Step-by-step instructions

If you're having problems and you're not using ChromeTerra is designed and tested (and will run best) on the Chrome browser. If you are having problems and are using a different browser, try switching to Chrome and see if that resolves the issue.

Scroll down to the bottom for troubleshooting tips (if you see a blank screen when signing in, for example).

1. Navigate to the Terra home page and click on the main menu (three parallel lines at the top left).

Screenshot showing how to log into Terra through the main menu. An orange rectangle highlights the three parallel lines at the top left of any Terra page (these lines will be horizontal at first; when you click them, they become vertical, as shown in this image). Another orange rectangle highlights the 'sign in' button inside the main menu.


2. In the SSO box, click “Sign in with Google” and a Google sign-in box should appear. You can sign in with any Google account (Gmail, institutional G-Suite email, or a Google ID associated with your non-Google email).

Screenshot of the single sign on popup with options to sign in using Google or Microsoft below the Terra logo

3. Enter your Gmail or G-Suite email and then click the blue Next button to enter your password.

Screenshot of the sign in with Google popup with a blank field for email or phone number at the top and a blue next button at the bottom right. The create account link at bottom left is circled

If you don't have a Gmail or G-Suite account, you can create one by clicking the "Create account" link to the left of the blue button (circled in the screenshot above). 

3. Fill in the first name, last name, and contact email fields in the New User Registration form and click the blue Register button. Note that the contact email is for notifications only and need not be your Terra User ID.

Screenshot of new user registration with fields for first name, last name, and contact email.

4. When you sign in, you will be asked to confirm some information and to accept the Terra terms of service. Once you do, you're registered!

Screenshot of the Terra terms of service with a blue accept button at the bottom right

5. When you are redirected to the Terra homepage, click on View Workspaces to view any data or workspaces that have been shared with you.

Screenshot of the Terra landing page with three cards - Your Workspaces, View Examples, and Browse Data. The workspaces card at the left is circled

Troubleshooting and Google Chrome browser settings

You may see a blank screen after registering and signing in. Often, this is due to your browser settings. Try one of the suggestions below (in Chrome) if you run into this problem.

Step 1. Set your cookies correctly

You need to make sure "Allow sites to save and read cookies" is on for

1.1. In Chrome, open the main menu by clicking the three dots on the far right of your window's toolbar, then select Settings.

1.2. Select Privacy and security from the left column and click Third-party cookies.

1.3. Add to the Sites allowed to use third-party cookies section near the bottom. 


Make sure the settings look like the screenshot above.

Step 2. Allow pop-ups and directs from Terra

2.1. From Settings > Privacy and security, go to Site settings and then Pop-ups and redirects (scroll down to the bottom).

2.2. Add to Allowed to send pop-ups and use redirects by clicking the Add button under Allowed to send pop-ups and use redirects.

Make sure the settings look like this screenshot

Screenshot of the popups and redirects option under privacy and security settings in Google settings with an arrow to the add button beside the allowed to send popups and use redirects option under customized behaviors

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