Batch jobs do not always run successfully, and when they don't, you need to be able to track down what went wrong. This article is for those who already know how to ferret out problems on Firecloud. Screenshots illustrate both the Terra and Firecloud interface.
1. Find a list of all workspace submissions (the Monitor tab in FC)
Terra's Job History tab contains a list of all submissions from the workspace, along with a few columns of metadata:
In Firecloud this information was available in slightly different format in the Monitor tab:
2. Details about each submission and its status
queued | submitted | running | failed | aborted | complete
Click on the link in the Submission column of the Job History tab (this is equivalent to clicking "View" in FC's monitor tab).
That will take you to this screen, which contains further details about workflows within the submission and their status (failed, queued, etc.).
Details screen in Terra
The equivalent FireCloud screen
3. To see more detail and metadata on all tasks
Click on View to the far left of the task (circled in orange - see below left for Terra versus FC at right interface).
Workflow submission details in Terra
The corresponding FireCloud page
4. Access stdout and sterr logs
In Terra, you access these from the page above by clicking on the Log files icons bottom right (circled in the screenshot below left). In FireCloud, you can find links to sterr and stout from the List view in Job Manager(circled in the screenshot below right):