What we're solving
Exploring genomic files in Terra has previously required that users spin up a notebook environment or workflow, which is time-consuming and costly.
We are prototyping functionality to instantaneously explore and interact with the metadata available from genomic files in IGV. We are starting with support for interactive filtering of a single VCF.
What's changing for you
When you open a single VCF in Terra's IGV, you can instantly query across your dataset to explore metadata such as Variant Type, Allele Frequency, Allele Frequency by Population, and Read Depth.
Interactive Filtering Feature Preview:
Benefits to your experience
Soon, you will be able to quickly and easily ask questions about your genomic data in Terra, such as "For a given gene, show me only common SNPs with AF > 0.05."
Let us know what other file types or annotation databases you would benefit from us supporting with this exciting new feature.
Try it out
Coming soon.