This release note corresponds to the dates June 7, 2024 to June 14, 2024. This release includes back-end updates to workflows, interactive analysis (Notebooks, Galaxy, RStudio), user interface, Data Repository, and Google and Azure integrations to improve upcoming features.
User Interface
- We’ve updated the Workflow Details page to include the task names within the workflows, so that you can more closely follow your subworkflows.
- The Workflows tab in Azure workspaces now has a status panel to help determine status and debug technical issues in the workflows experience.
Data Repo
- Previously,, date, datetime, time, and timestamp fields in TDR datasets were imported into data tables as numeric values.
- For GCP TDR datasets, all of these fields will now be imported as formatted strings.
- For Azure TDR datasets, date fields will now be imported as formatted strings.
Cloud Integrations
- We fixed a bug that made the “unlink” action for external identities malfunction if the linkage had already expired. Users can unlink an external identity even if the link has expired.