August 10, 2023

Anton Kovalsky
  • Updated

This release note corresponds to the dates August 3, 2023 to August 10, 2023. This release includes back-end updates to workflows, interactive analysis (Notebooks, Galaxy, RStudio), user interface, Data Repository, and Google and Azure integrations to improve upcoming features.


User Interface

  • You can now perform mathematical operations on string fields that contain numeric values by casting the value to the appropriate numeric type. This is particularly helpful with JSON data submitted in string fields. For example, if the following was submitted as string tabular data: {"jsonData": "{\"testField\": \"value1\", \"numericField\": 1}"}, then the user could use the lookup endpoint (lookupDatasetDataById) and filter the JSON data using the following filter command: "CAST(JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(jsonData, '$.numericField') AS INT64) * 4 > 1". This functionality already works for azure tabular data, and now works for GCP-based Terra as well..

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