This release note corresponds to the dates June 7, 2023 to June 15, 2023. This release includes back-end updates to workflows, interactive analysis (Notebooks, Galaxy, RStudio), user interface, Data Repository, and Google and Azure integrations to improve upcoming features.
Cloud Integrations
- In workspace data tables, string attributes that end in a letter such as '1234f' or '5678d', which were previously erroneously turned into numbers, will now be correctly interpreted as strings.
Data Repo
- The dataset endpoint 'lookupDatasetColumnStatisticsById' now supports Azure datasets. It returns statistics about a given table's text or numeric column. For text columns (data types string, text, fileref, dirref), we return a list of unique values and occurrence count per value. For numeric columns (data types float, float64, int, int64), we return the minimum and maximum value found in the column values.
- DRS objects can be resolved when backed by a requester pays google bucket