March 21, 2023

Anton Kovalsky
  • Updated

This release note correspond to the dates March 15, 2023 to March 21, 2023. This release includes back-end updates to workflows, interactive analysis (Notebooks, Galaxy, RStudio), user interface, Data Repository, and Google integrations to improve upcoming features.


User Interface

  • Job Manager's authentication system has changed as a result of Google's deprecation of the Javascript Sign-In Library. Due to requirements of the new system, users will need to click through a sign-in prompt occasionally when using Job Manager for extended periods.
  • Billing project owners can now delete billing projects that have no associated workspaces. Previously only billing projects in an error state could be deleted. This feature is for both Google and Azure billing projects. Google billing project deletion is synchronous, whereas Azure billing project is asynchronous.


  • All newly created GCP workspace buckets will have Autoclass turned on by default. Autoclass automatically moves data to colder storage classes to reduce storage costs using a predefined lifecycle policy. There are no early deletion charges, no retrieval charges, and no charges for storage class transitions. For more information, see Google's documentation on Autoclass.

Data Repo

  • The Terra Data Repository's DUOS Firecloud group membership can now be updated in a scheduled background task.

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