February 14, 2023

Anton Kovalsky
  • Updated

This release note correspond to the dates February 8, 2023 to February 14, 2023 This release includes back-end updates to workflows, interactive analysis (Notebooks, Galaxy, RStudio), user interface, Data Repository, and Google integrations to improve upcoming features.


  • We fixed an issue that could inadvertently attach additional disks to a task VM, even if the "use reference disks" option was not selected.
  • We fixed an issue causing the workflow execution engine to be unable to find some docker images in docker hub.

Data Repo

  • We've introduced new TDR duos endpoint, "syncDuosDatasetsAuthorizedUsers" for syncing all DUOS Firecloud group members with their DUOS dataset's authorized users. This endpoint can be called by TDR Admins or TDR-DUOS Integration Admins.

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